MYP2 have joined the world in the
Hour of Code and
Beyond the Hour of Code.
No one has to wait for MYP2 to learn to code, it's all online and it's free. Don't wait.
In a week we will begin our Summative task -
Rube Goldberg Machines.
To be honest I had two other ideas for the summative task but then I was fortunate enough to see what they were creating in Visual Art...
Rube Goldberg machines. Too cool. Their imaginations can go wild in Visual Arts and now we can bring them to life using animation and Scratch programming.
We will work in teams and then piece the machines together; working like a machine in groups.
The mathematics needed covers a great deal:
coordinates; Cartesian plane; translations; reflections; rotations; negative and positive numbers; angles, properties of shapes; formulas, using variables and functions; logic statements; scaling and percentages and more and more...
this site is pretty cool - so nice what you can do with a lot of free time.