Thursday, 30 October 2014


They have been talking about these forever. Many other things have come to be that were only crazy future ideas when I was a kid like...

Imagine if you could see the person you were calling on the phone and have a face to face conversation no matter where you were in the world. Hello Skype and some similar type face to face communication technology.

We are still waiting for time travel (Alina make it happen!) but I heard the other day that the conjecture is travel into the past is impossible but other dimensions... why not?

Teleportation is being worked on by the Entanglement Generation, I kid you not.

What has happened as far as dreams beginning to come true and THE FUTURE IS NOW type of stuff?

THE FLYING CAR - YAY and, quite frankly, about time.

Read about it here in The Guardian and WATCH THE VIDEO TOO

AeroMobil flying car prototype 3 is ready 8
"AeroMobil flying car prototype 3 is ready 8 | wordlessTech." 2014. 30 Oct. 2014 <>

Friday, 17 October 2014

Your Life on Earth - cool interactive from the BBC

Your life on earth

Enter your details and this cool interactive will show you some of the things that have happened in your life time.


BBC Earth Story Right Here

and while I am here this is pretty cool too:
World Population and Me

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

From The Good People at the Guardian Data Blog

Data data data - it's the information age your data is being harvested right now. Somewhere someone is using technology to record that you are reading this blog post. If they can they will also record any metadata they can too. 

You work with data too and it's important to know what all those terms mean - download speed, bits, bytes, Mbps and MBps. 

Have you downloaded or uploaded in different countries? Check out this cool visualisation of various speeds and quality of the internet - you can change the countries...

Have fun!

Cat photo by Flickr user wenlian chen

source:  "Download deathmatch: compare internet speed worldwide ..." 2013. 14 Oct. 2014 <>

Monday, 13 October 2014

pi 10 Trillion of its Digits - actually only 4 Million of them...

It took 371 days of computing TEN TRILLION decimal places of pi.
Doesn't sound impressive - that requires 44 TB of disk to find them and 7.6 TB to store them, when compressed.

In 1949 the ENIAC computer took 70 hours to calculate pi to 2037 digits.

Check out the Beautiful visualisation and effort in this very cool site and more on how long it would take humans to say all of these digits.

Why do we care? Because this number is everywhere, because it has no pattern, because they say inside these digits are all of our phone numbers, birth dates and every possible combination you could think of. BECAUSE humans and other animals need patterns to understand the world around them. pi is a beautiful mystery and mathematicians like you love puzzles.

"An average person can read out approximately 120 digits ..." 2012. 13 Oct. 2014 <>

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Rays of Light and The Lunar Eclipse TODAY

Wednesday Evening's Rare 'Impossible' Lunar Eclipse

Check out the Blood Moon this evening. Hopefully the clouds won't cover it. 

Here is a clip from NASA

Watch in more detail here from NASA. 

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Nobel Prize goes to THE HEXAGON (and some persistent scientists)

"Neuroscience: Brains of Norway : Nature News & Comment." 7 Oct. 2014 <>

Edvard and May-Britt Moser have been working together for 30 years. For 28 of those years they have also been married. 

These two scientists embody the learner profiles and show us how persistence, resilience and problem solving can lead to success. Not only that but mistakes along the way helped them to unravel the mystery of how our brains map out our environments. People are now calling it the GPS of our brains.

They have won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, with neuroscientist John O’Keefe at University College London (their former supervisor).

There is no Nobel Prize for Maths as we have discussed in class, but the mathematics is everywhere. Here in our brains wonderful hexagons form the way we sense location.

Please read more about it in the Scientific American and in Nature Magazine. Very exciting brain research! 

Monday, 6 October 2014

Very Cool New Thing - check it out

This does amazing things with stuff you do by hand. Have a play and see...

from this 
 to this
and this - write in the equation and Desmos graphs it. Nice!