Wednesday, 24 February 2016


Thanks to Tom Avent for sharing two Youtube channels I had not seen before, and I like to watch science and maths videos. I spent about an hour looking around.

Here is one to get you started with some big numbers from the good people at ASAP Science:

But wait... there's more...
This is another excellent Youtube channel called FW Thinking

Enjoy! I did (:

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Roman Numerals

Hello all - Catherine Fee shared this video with me and we watched it in class to look at a way of communicating your knowledge and understanding of a number system from history.

Thanks Catherine!

Monday, 15 February 2016

Mathematical Humour

Thanks to Jack Edwards, in 7D,  for sharing this Mathematical joke. Have you seen any funny mathematical jokes?

Thanks to Stephen Guerra, in 7D, 

History of Number Systems Investigation - some links

Where to begin when looking for information on different number systems?

You could ask your parents - maybe they know about a cool system for numbers and counting. 

You could ask your librarian - there are books about mathematics!

There are some sites online too. Ms. O'Hara and I have found some sites to share with you.
If you search, use good search terms. One of my favourites is "for kids". I use this in almost every search I do (:

Binary at mathisfun
Counting on your fingers with binary

Roman Numerals

Archimedes Lab

Numberphile is a wonderful Youtube channel

This one has a long list of number systems and labels their complexity or simplicity with happy and not so happy faces.  
Another page on this site is with a few famous number systems.

This is a bit more ‘wordy’:

This site had some interesting facts, but it might be a little challenging with its sophisticated matheamatical language

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Billy the Bug and Graph Mole are Hungry

Hello Grade 7 or anyone else that struggles with plotting, reading or writing coordinates.

Use a game to learn how to do this. No worksheets required!
Learn through the game and mistakes along the way. Feed Billy, he's hungry...

Billy the Bug - right here!

Graph Mole has extension activities - negative indices and also decimals. You start with positive integers.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Student Mathematical Art - Year 7 2016

Have you been enjoying Spirograph online?

Oli Bilston shared his beautiful work with me in class and then sent me the image. Do you have any you'd like to contribute to this page? Scroll to see more...

Oli Bilston 7D Wesley GW

Stephen Guerra 7D Wesley GW
Stephen Guerra 7D Wesley GW

Stephen Guerra 7D Wesley GW

Bec Campbell 7D Wesley GW

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Growing your Brain

You've heard me talk about making mistakes and taking your time. Here is an expert, Jo Boaler, taking you through some of the latest in brain research. Jo is a professor of Mathematics Education at Stanford University in the USA.

Remember 18 x 5 and all the different ways to solve this problem. 
Which was your method? Show your method and try another. 

Do the same using your method and one other with 16 x 7 or    14 x 22
Show your working you did in your head visually like the examples below for 18 x 5

Friday, 5 February 2016

The Human Calculator

Thank you to Aidan Sturge. I did enjoy and was pleased to start class with it today. I am also keen to check out that Youtube channel. Thanks for sharing!

From: Aidan Sturge
Subject: human calculator

Check this video out this guy I saw on TV a while ago he is faster than  a calculator the link is below:

Hope you enjoy
