Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Scientists need you to count cute baby penguins via the Washington Post

During my morning commute I read about a great project involving penguins, counting, science, ecology and collaboration. That's a lot of boxes ticked.

You can provide some community service by counting penguins in images supplied by scientists.

I was fortunate enough to visit Antarctica in 2013 and loved the penguins. I'll be counting penguins for science and our world. I hope you do too.

You can read the Washington Post article via this link.
You can check out the project via this link.

Please enjoy two of my favourite penguin photos (I have hundreds)!

Antarctica Wildlife

Not all penguin tummies are white. This one is fine, just a messy eater. That's his lunch you can see. 

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Base 64 and Youtube

We use base 10 and computers use base 2, aka binary. There are all sorts of number systems and here is another one to think about and it's how Youtube doesn't run out of short urls.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Cool Maths Facts

Check out these slides of interesting maths facts.
I think the Monster Prime might be out of date now...


 I like this site because they cite their source on each page. That's principled!