Thursday, 7 July 2016

The Anti Primes

During the winter break I saw a video on Numberphile about Antiprimes. This was very exciting for me because I didn't realise it was a real term. Turns out it isn't, they have another cool name for numbers that have lots of factors but one of the Numberphile crew also likes the term Antiprime and that's good enough for me (:

And they confirmed that 360 is one of these numbers.

The 8 Times Tables Can Be Cool

As many of my students know I do not enjoy times tables. I missed quite a bit of primary school maths so speedy tables are not my thing. In particular it's the 8s that make me pause the most. Speed doesn't matter, it's the process. For me it's just doubling my four times tables.

Bec Campbell shared the following with me and yes it is pretty cool. Even cooler is to ask why it happens....