Friday, 4 October 2013

The Education of Girls

Mika and Tera Young are raising money to send a girl to school. Sending girls to school changes the world. As well as providing the one girl with an opportunity to learn and access possibilities that could have been out of her reach, she will impact other lives and those lives will impact even more lives.

Prickly Pear Lemonade
Prickly Pear Lemonade by Bryan Davidson,
on Flickr licensed under CC by NC & A

Again and again when you look at the education of girls in the world it is one of the key indicators for development.

In MYP2 we are looking at patterns and how to write these mathematically, developing formulae to help make predictions.

If we know the cost of one pink lemonade, how many do we need to sell to make 10,000 Baht?

  • What questions do you have?
  • How can you set up the maths to help us reach our goal?
  • If we don’t sell enough on day one, how many times do we need to run our pink lemonade stand to send a girl to school?

In MYP3 we are looking at the mathematics of chance. We have already asked ourselves how unlikely was it that we were actually born when we think about everything it took to make us. Ask an MYP to explain or me or Ajarn Hugo.

So what decides our future? What things decide our circumstances and opportunities that are out of control and quite random and what choices can we make to change these? Who can help?

In MYP4 we are busy designing a useful space (stay tuned) but they would be excellent people to ask about how to set up the pink lemonade stand to ensure that everyone who wants to support this can get their pink lemonade quickly to help increase sales.

In MYP5 we are looking at data and how they make patterns that we can mathematically model for predictions of all shapes and sizes.  Using we can see that the education level of girls and the percentage of girls educated creates patterns that you can’t ignore.

Help Mika and Tera:

  • Buy pink lemonade
  • Do the mathematics to help them reach their goals
  • Use mathematics to help your understanding of why this is so important and how you are very lucky yourselves.
  • Check out - mathematics can help to make the world a better place. 

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