Tuesday, 14 January 2014

MYP2 and the Giant Rubber Duck

Each one is unique and they have a message for the world.

What is that message?

MYP2 have been working on the mathematics of generalisation or algebra. They find patterns. They create formulas. They estimate. They justify. They compare methods. They discuss accuracy. They form hypothesis. They tackle long problems, not short one liners. MYP2 are mathematicians at work.

Now they have been asked to bring all of their skills together to work out if Phuket can produce enough rubber for one of these ducks. It is not a yes or no answer, we want details. 

How much rubber is produced right next to PIADS? 
How much rubber is needed?
What are those ducks all about?
Why spread the message with a rubber duck? 

We have more questions - check out the windows of the maths room. 

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